M.C. TRADING has its head-office in Barcelona.
Office in Barcelona:
c/ Enric Granados, 137 pral. 1ª.
08008 Barcelona – España
barcelona@mctrading.es |
Furthermore, M.C. TRADING also has offices in Moscow, Dubai, Hong Kong, Angola and New York. |
From the Moscow office we cover the entire Russian Federation. The Government of Moscow, through the International Businessmen Found (IFB), is participating as a founding member of the Association of Spanish-Russian (ISBH, International Spanish Businessmen Holding) to better achieve its objectives, which primarily provides: Participation in the Fair of Moscow, with the possibility of having a permanent showroom product (Showroom) in Moscow. Agreement between the Association (ISBH) and the client or Spanish company.
Security of persons and commercial security products distributed within the territory. Advice for sale on the Russian market and its peculiarities, with an explanation of procedures and paperwork.
Office in Moscow:
Strelbishenskiy pr. D. 5
Moscow 123317 Russia
moscow@mctrading.es |
From MC TRADING Dubai office covers the countries of the Persian Gulf. Similarly offered in Moscow, Dubai also offer the possibility of having a permanent exhibition space in Abu Dhabi.
Office in Dubai:
P. O. BOX. 261694
Jebel Ali – Dubai
United Arab Emirates
dubai@mctrading.es |
From our office in Hong Kong offer the necessary expertise for orders for products or services in the Chinese market.
Office in Hong Kong:
Room 704, 7/F, Commercial Building Landwide,
118-120 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
hongkong@mctrading.es |
Our office in Angola is providing support services to the companies in their process of development on the local market, as well as helping our clients in all phases of company integration.
Office in Angola:
ANGOLA Belas Business Park Talatona,
Luanda Sul-Talatona (Luanda)
angola@mctrading.es |
Our office in New York is providing all necessary support services on the local market.
Office in New York:
3611 Henry Hudson Pkwy, #8E
Riverdale, New York 10463